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D.I.Y Ombre Hair

Patty Chism

Let’s face it, the ombre hair trend isn’t going anywhere for a while. It has gone from light beachy colors to now darker fall colors. Well, at least for me I see it going in that direction. I’ve tinkered with the idea of doing the ombre hair for a long time and finally I decided to do it. I made an appointment at a hair salon in Georgetown Washington D.C. and my husband cringed at the mere thought of the It’s Georgetown, it’s hair color, possibly a cut and it’s Georgetown. I also thought about the total mishaps that can happen at a salon and paying a ton of money for something you don’t like, so I said “You know what? Let’s try the D.I.Y ombre hair approach and see what happens.

This was going to be quite the experience so I asked my hubby *who is an angel and has the patience of saint* to document and be my styling assistant for the evening.

First up…

First step in hair coloring, wearing an old T-shirt you will not miss when it's completely ruined by hair dye. CHECK!

First step in hair coloring, wearing an old T-shirt you will not miss when it’s completely ruined by hair dye. CHECK!

Your styling tools. I got these from the beauty supply store near my house Sally Beauty and it only cost me $25 bucks or so. Not bad!

Your styling tools. I got these from the beauty supply store near my house Sally Beauty and it only cost me $25 bucks or so. Not bad!

Photog/husband /styling assistant capturing one last glance at my brown hair. *I know I'm a lucky  girl to have this guy by my side*

Photog/husband/styling assistant capturing one last glance at my brown hair. *I know I’m a lucky girl to have this guy by my side*

Parting the hair in sections. I took cosmetology in high school *best class ever* and it did teach me a thing or two about the importance of parting the hair into sections.

Parting the hair in sections. I took cosmetology in high school *best class ever* and it did teach me a thing or two about the importance of parting the hair into sections.

So it begins!

So it begins!

For those of you wondering the colors I went for redish/brown tones and started with this color 4R 4.6 by Ion.

For those of you wondering the colors, I went for redish/brown tones and started with this color 4R 4.6 by Ion.

Mixing the magic.

Mixing the magic.

Look of worry on Bradford's face lol

Look of worry on Bradford’s face lol

Ok let's go! I checked out some Youtube videos of girls saying how important it was to brush the coloring in so you avoid a blunt line across your hair and give it a nice subtle blend look.

Ok let’s go! I checked out some Youtube videos of girls saying how important it was to brush the coloring in so you avoid a blunt line across your hair. Brushing it gives it a nice subtle blend look.

First foil complete. Look of panic CHECK!

First foil complete. Look of panic CHECK!

A long time later and hubby holding some foils,  it's time to wait. 35-40 mins.

A long time later and hubby holding some foils, it’s time to wait. 35-40 mins.

*Total side bar* To make sure dye doesn’t stick to your skin, I used vitamin E oil and applied it to the exposed skin before starting so it slips right off. Even around my face, neck and chest.

OK 35-40 mins is up, I see color!

OK 35-40 mins is up, I see color!

Hmm I wonder how this is gonna turn out?

Hmm I wonder how this is gonna turn out?

Hmmm we’ll  just have to wait till tomorrow to see how my D.I.Y ombre hair experiment turns out.

Have any questions or comments about any steps you saw?  Hit me up on Twitter, Facebook or the comment section below and let’s chat!

Keeping it Confident – Patty



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