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London: Fashion Week and Spirit. (London Fashion Week 2013)

Patty Chism

My dream would be to jet set off to all the Fashion week shows all over the world. But alas, the dream isn’t ready to come true, JUST YET! However, in the mean time, I happen to meet a fabulous fashion blogger from the other side of the pond who was able to attend some shows in London for London Fashion Week 2013.  Totally jealous and admiring her style and take on London Fashion week, I want to share with you her experiences from this week.  Welcome Jules fe creator of the blog Roman Holiday and check out her great sense of style while having a fresh outlook on a classic fashion event! Mil Gracias Jules fe! XOXO

London: Fashion Week and Spirit. (Londres: Semana de la moda y espíritu)

Images 1. My Outfit-London Fashion Week Day 2.

Images 1. My Outfit-London Fashion Week Day 2.

_____________________________In English:

February is the month of ‘Fashion weeks’ around the World. Berlin, Barcelona, Paris and NY already had their turn in previous weeks and for the last three days, London has had the chance to rock fashion in the beautiful Somerset House.

From my perspective, although all fashion weeks are similar in terms of dynamic, each of them have a different spirit, the spirit of the city that host them. In this post is not the story about the famous designers collections, those you can find them in all magazines. This post is the story of how I ended up in LFW and How these days made me go deeper into London’s fashion spirit…

Thursday (Feb 14)- FashionFreax confirmed me they wanted me to represent them in LFW (Thank you FF!!). They gave me a cool pink happycoat with their logo, tickets for events and the most fun job in the world: Hunting for three days the best street styles in London Fashion Week. By 10pm that night I already had ready my camera and my look for day 1 (pictures of Look for day 1 in previous post).

Friday (Feb 15)- The central line of trains in London was out of service but nothing could stop me that morning. At 10 am I needed to be in Zoe Jordan’s Catwalk so I took a cab from my flat in West London and arrived just on time to Somerset house. A glass of wine in the lounge and a free kit of body lotions made by sponsors and placed inside an amazing Zoe Jordan Bag were the perfect welcome. I did enjoyed Zoe’ s collection. She mixed accurately bold with metallic, monochrome with geometry and silk with leather in minimalistic diva looks.

Images 2. Zoe Jordan: Welcome Bag and Catwalk.

Images 2. Zoe Jordan: Welcome Bag and Catwalk.


Saturday (Feb 16) –I started my day in the Saint Martin Lane Hotel, a five stars that hosted the event of THU-THU. Their catwalk was original and inspirational. Natural flowers all around and a white off space were a good scenario for organic looks. The essence of Vietnam rocked in London with this collection.

Images 3. THU-THU event

Images 3. THU-THU event

Images 3. THU-THU event

My Look for Saturday was composed by the asymmetric neon dress you see above. I caught the attention of some journalist and bloggers J . One of them gave me an unexpected ticket for a LFW lounge. That’ s were I met Aida , the first real femme fatale I have ever met, her presence was making the entire environment totally film-looking. See the pictures and judge by yourselves.Images 4. Me posing and Aida.

Images 4. Me posing and Aida.

Sunday (Feb 17)- I hunted superb street styles. My criteria was simple: I looked for styles that I would actually wear and that were inspired in London. Here my two favs:

Images 5. Street Styles.

Images 5. Street Styles.

Living this experience i realized that London’s spirit is trendy, is decadent, exaggerated, self-confident and very vintage.

Monday (Feb 18)- I toke a flight to Italy.

Today (Feb 19)- I wrote this post with an italian coffee in my hand and enjoying through the window central Italy panorama.

_____________________________En Espanol:

Febrero es un mes fashion alrededor del mundo. NY, Barcelona, Paris y Berlin ya brillaron con sus semanas de la moda en previos dias y ahora fue el turno era para Londres. El evento se llevó a cabo en The Somerset House, una majestuosa edificación de frente al Rio Thames. Desde mi perspectiva, si bien todas las fashion weeks tienen la misma dinámica, cada una de ellas tiene un espíritu diferente, el espíritu de la ciudad en la que se lleva a cabo. En este post no comparto con ustedes mi opinion acerca de las colecciones de los grandes diseñadores, pues esas las encontrarán en todas las revistas. En este post comparto la historia de cómo termine dentro de London Fashion Week y los detalles de las cosas que amè más de esta dulce experiencia.

Jueves (Feb 14)- FahionFreax me confirmó que querían que los representara en London Fashion week (Gracias FF!!) y en una reunión en Notting Hill, me dotaron de: Un abrigo Happy coat rosa con el logo de FF, tiquetes para las pasarelas, los telèfonos del equipo de bloggers y fotógrafos que debía liderar dentro del evento. Además me dieron la misión mas divertida: encontrar los mejores street styles de la semana de la moda para cargarlos en su página.

Viernes (Feb 15)- La línea central del metro de Londres por primera vez en el ultimo año estaba suspendida, sin embargo, nada podía detenerme esa mañana. Necesitaba estar a las 10am en la pasarela de Zoe Jordan asi que tome un taxi y llegue justo a tiempo para el lounge del desfile. Una copa de vino blanco y un bolso gratis, lleno de adorables productos de belleza, fueron la mejor bienvenida. Disrutè mucho la coleccion de Zoe, probablemente la más sencilla del día. Mezclaba las figuras geometricas y el monochrom, los blazer metalicos con tacones de punta y la seda naranja con cortes de cuero ultra femeninos. (ver arriba, images 2)

Sábado(Feb 16)- Comencè el día transportandome al Saint Martin Lane, un hotel 5 estrellas en el que se llevó a cabo el evento de la marca Thu-Thu cuya diseñadora tiene raices vietnamitas. Su desfile fue inspirador y muy original. Flores naturales exóticas , una lampara antigua y un espacio totalmente blanco fueron un escenario increible para Looks orgánicos de la marca. La esencia de Vietnam se transportó a Londres con esta colección.(ver arriba, images 3.)

Mi look del sábado lo construí con un vestido neon asimètrico (ver arriba, images 1), unos leggins de efecto cuero y un sombrero gris de alas grandes. Llamè la atención de algunos periodistas y bloggers quienes me pidieron un par de poses J . El look tambien fue suficiente para que pudiera conseguir entrar a un glamouroso lounge privado en el que conoci a Aida, una diva de carne y hueso. Aida es una artista rusa cuya presencia le da un toque de película a cualquier espacio.(ver images 4)

Domingo (Feb 17)- Mi caza de street styles continuó activa. Encontrè looks ultra inspiradores para fotografear. La experiencia en LFW me hizo entender que la moda en Londres se fundamenta en correr riesgos y en mantener un estilo vintage. Mis looks favoritos puedes verlos arriba en images 5.

Lunes (Feb 18)- Tomè un vuelo a Italia.

Hoy (Feb 19)- He escrito este post con un cafè italiano a la mano y viendo por la ventana el panorama de Italia central.



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