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National Portrait Gallery

Patty Chism

I write a lot about living in Washington DC because it really is a great place to live. As a seasoned veteran with one year residency under my belt, I have visited a lot of amazing sites and still have a few more to see. A.K.A (The White House tour where I’m sure Michelle will have some coffee and pastries waiting for me when I get there.) One of my all time favorite places to visit in DC is the National Portrait Gallery. My husband and I stumbled upon this place when we first got here and have gone back a few times to see exhibitions like the ultra cool “Art of the Video Game”. Since we are Nintendo purists, we loved seeing the evolution of the video game and gaming console and also came to the realization that we are indeed, “getting”. On the third floor of the gallery is a beautiful open space that was once used to entertain guests for President Lincoln’s second inaugural ball. From the floor to the ceiling this open area is definitely something visitors to DC should see and also a great place to take pictures of my gallery style 😉

Something to marvel at. Third floor of The National Portrait Gallery.

Something to marvel at. Third floor of The National Portrait Gallery.

I got this great purse at the Shecky's event that was held in DC last week. The purse is from Jacksons Runaway and only cost $25.00. The coral colored ring was a must have that I also acquired at Shecky's from J Nelle Couture for $15.00.

I got this great purse at the Shecky’s event that was held in DC last week from Jacksons Runaway for $25.00. The coral colored ring was a must have that I also acquired at Shecky’s from J Nelle Couture for $15.00.

Teal dress from Loft on sale for $20 and the colorful necklace from Charming Charlie for you will never believe this $1.00!!!!! Style without breaking the bank or your coffee budget ;)

Teal dress from Loft on sale for $20 and the colorful necklace from Charming Charlie (you will never believe this) for $1.00!!!!! Style without breaking the bank or your coffee budget 😉

I always like to start my week in style and color, hope you guys are doing the same. Have a great week! Keeping it Confident – Patty



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